To teach the most up-to-date evidence-based information with excellence while training hands-on courses with the most advanced equipment and technology.
To help dental practitioners to enrich their clinical proficiencies and get evidence-based knowledge in Endodontics.
• To upgrade every time with the latest technologies, which will surely benefit candidates.
• Achieving excellence through didactic Endodontic Training
• To serve every student, Dental surgeon, instructor, and client with remarkable customer service.
• To build relationships with Dental Surgeons all over East Africa and beyond.
Orthodontic Programmes Structure
• This unique programme will allow dental practitioners to maintain their clinical work whilst Training and developing new orthodontic skills at their own pace.
• The programme comprises Orthodontics 1 and Orthodontics 2 Training run twice a year.
• This course will be spread over 7 weeks Orthodontics 1 Course & 7 Weeks Orthodontics 2.
• This programme will combine online lectures (Via Zoom or Google Class), webinars, and hands-on training, including case-based discussions, to improve patients’ clinical care and job satisfaction. A link will be sent to registered participants for online classes.
• Hands-on Training will be delivered on typodonts in a dental simulator (Phantom head) facility where all participants will provide one-to-one teaching.
• The Orthodontics 1&2 Programmes are delivered by the renowned team of Orthodontic specialists and consultants who are well known for their national and international excellence in teaching – many of whom are key leaders in
their field.
• Our courses will form a solid platform for further clinical and academic professional development.
Key features
• Hands-On Training: Participants will perform effective, hands-on exercises on typodonts as they monitor real-time and realistic movements of teeth. This establishes a foundation for predictable and safe orthodontic treatment.
-This will allow our delegates to capture the real-time tooth movement in a hot water bath.
• When heated, teeth will move in response to forces applied by archwires, elastics and auxiliaries.
• The participants will also receive personalized instruction during the hands-on sessions.
*EXCEPT Typodonts (Which Cost Ksh. 44,000 or 440USD), all other teaching materials will be provided at the Dental Aptitude College as part of the module’s components*
Continental snacks are included every day during Hands-on.
• Continental snacks are included every day.
Course Overview
• The course covers all current biological concepts for positive orthodontic treatment outcomes. Hands-on and live demonstrations cover the technical aspects of this orthodontic course.
• A variety of instruments and techniques are discussed and demonstrated with videography and typodonts.
The paramount aim of our Orthodontics 1&2 course is:
• To develop tremendous knowledge in evidence-based orthodontics.
• To allow the participant to perform the full scope of orthodontic procedures.
Course Specifications
Curriculum: 9 Modules.
Award: DAC Cert. in Orthodontics 1& Orthodontics 2 Training Modules
Awarded verifiable: CPD Points
Course duration:
1. Orthodontics 1 (7Weeks online classes at 5:30-7:30 Pm EAT and 3 Days Hands-on.
2. Advanced Orthodontics (7Weeks online classes at 5:30-7:30 Pm EAT and 3 Days Hands-on.
Course lead: Dr. Kipchoge Walter (BDS, MScD-Orthodontics) and Staff
Course organiser: Dental Aptitude College
Course capacity: 7-8 Participants for Hands-on Training and 30 for Online
Course requirements: An undergraduate degree course in dentistry which includes but is not limited to BDS, DMD, or its equivalent.
Course Intake: Twice a Year (Edition 1 and 2)
Course venues: Theory classes will be Online via Zoom or Google Classroom, and Hands-on Training at the Royal Smiles Yaya Centre. An online link will be sent to registered delegates.
To register
• Email: info@dentalaptitudecollege.com or
• Fill out an online application form on our website or
• Call us on 0743 888 222
• The College reserves the right to cancel or postpone a course due to unforeseen circumstances.
Frequently asked questions
Who Can Take this course?
• General dentists and post-graduate students
• Dental Interns
Is your program certified?
Yes, our program is recognised by the relevant organisations:
Kenya Dental Association
Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council
Ministry of Education
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA)
Who can take the course?
Any Dental Professional with an undergraduate degree in dentistry includes but is not limited to BDS, DMD, or its equivalent.
This intensive and interactive course is designed for the clinician who wishes to perform endodontic treatments with predictable clinical success and without undue complications.
This course is designed for the recent graduate who may need more exposure to endodontics or an experienced practitioner who wants to update their didactic and clinical skills to predictably and efficiently treat most cases in a
private practice setting.
How much does the program cost?
Each module has its own cost, as indicated below. The price might change depending on the edition you choose.
• Registration fee is Ksh. 1,000 (10USD)- (Become a lifetime member by paying this one-time enrolment fee)
• Orthodontics 1 – Modules 1-6 -Ksh. 194,000 (1,940USD)
• Advanced Orthodontics – Modules 7-9- Ksh. 130,000 (1300USD)
• Typodont Ksh. 44,000 (440USD) is a must-have for each delegate (you will take it home after hands-on)
• The price includes Hands-on course fees and materials needed EXCEPT Typodont (Which can be purchased at DAC college at a fee of $440)