Dr. Melvin D'lima
Dr Melvin D'lima is a General Dentist and Public Health Professional turned Wealth and Career Coach for Dentists, Health Care Professionals and Small Business Owners. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Dental Surgery from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, a Master’s degree in Public Health from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya, NLP Life Coach certification, Competent Toastmasters certification, TOT in Business skills for Health practitioners and ILO Start and Grow Your Business Trainer as well as Best Year Yet and Profit First certification. He won the IADR Africa Middle East Region best Postgraduate presentation in 2009 and attended the IADR conference in Barcelona 2010. He has over 30 years of experience in private practice dentistry but now coaches, mentors and trains small business owners (including private health care practitioners) on the business of healthcare and turning passion into reliable, recurrent revenue. He is a Mentor with the Emerging Leaders Foundation (Kenya), a Mentor with the Ashesi University Alumni (Ghana) and a Mentor with Mowgli (UK). He is the Academic Program Director of the Small and Medium Enterprise Association (Kenya). He is passionate about working with young professionals below 35 years through training and coaching them during the process of integration to the work and marketplace.