ENDODONTICS 1 (Modules 1-4)
Module 1: Access Cavity and Treatment Planning in Endodontics
Aims and objectives
The attendee at this program will:
• develop an appreciation of “as minimum as necessary” access design,
• learn the biological foundation of endodontics; the biological science behind predictable success,
• Review the fundamental requirements for access and basic rules for adequate access presented.
• Hands-on training on different techniques on access cavities and finding root canal orifices.
Course topics
Unit 1: The New Diagnoses and treatment planning in Endodontics.
Unit 2: Endodontic Emergencies:
-Currently recommended Analgesics and Antibiotics.
-Rubber dam Isolation methods and challenges.
Unit 3: Access cavity in single-rooted teeth.
Access cavity in multi-rooted teeth.
Unit 4: Hands-on training on Access Cavity in single and multi-rooted teeth.
Module 2: Micro Endodontic Training and Cone BeamComputerized Tomography (CBCT).
Operating Microscope Instruction with Hands-On: Our faculty will cover the basics of the dental operating microscope and its benefits with endodontic treatment. Each participant will be shown on a personal basis how to parfocal and adjust the oculars to use the microscope throughout the hands-on sections of the course and utilise this knowledge in practice.
Aims and objectives
The attendee at this program will:
• enhance their clinical skills in the practice of modern microscopic endodontics,
• learn the fundamentals of the dental operating microscope,
• experience the use of microscopes to visualise the root canal system;
• describe CBCT technology and how it differs from other intraoral or extraoral dental imaging,
• discuss indications for the use of CBCT scan and options to limit radiationexposure to the patient,
• develop a systematic approach to interpreting a CBCT scan,
• discuss the ethical and medico-legal considerations of CBCT
Course topics
Unit 1: Magnification in Endodontics: The human eye – how it works and why it is limited. Magnifying Loupes. Why use a surgical microscope?
Unit 2: Microscope Use in Endodontics: Ergonomics and workflow. Treatment effects and outcomes
Unit 3: Microscope Features and Upgrades: The components of a Microscope
Unit 4: Hands-on training on the Dental Operating Microscope.
Unit 5: CBCT imaging; indications, Ethical considerations
Unit 6: Hands-on training on CBCT manipulation and interpretation.
Module 3: Bio-minimalistic 3-D cleaning & Irrigation Protocols in Endodontics
The participants in this program will:
• learn the New 3-D technology that allows for superior cleaning of the root canal system in all dimensions with minimal Removal of dentin.
• Will be trained in bio-minimalistic Rotary and Reciprocating concepts. These systems are reliable, efficient, predictable and readily transferable from the classroom to the treatment room.
• Will learn current procedures of microbial control, biomechanical instrumentation, and state-of-the-art irrigation etiquettes that can guarantee the same rate of success for necrotic and vital teeth.
• Work with instruments whose apical size and degree of taper are consistent with biological reality assuring optimal instrumentation of the apical third of the root canal space.
• Create shapes that are amenable to passive post-insertion and core development.
• Gain a true appreciation of how the new era of 3D shaping, cleaning, and obturation will impact their practice future.
Course topics
Unit 1: Working length in Endodontics: Introducing a NEW Generation Apex Locator: Very Accurate, durable, and reliable at all times and affordable.
Unit 2: Reciprocatory files: properties and mechanism of function.
-Irrigations etiquettes in endodontics.
Unit 3: Bio-minimalistic 3D Root Canal Cleaning & Shaping Techniques.
-Introducing the Newest Endo Motor with simultaneous real-time monitoring of your working length on Screen (motor with Build-in Apex Locator).
Unit 4: Hands-on training on Bio-minimalistic 3D Shaping: Rotary & Reciproc Filing in Single & Multi-Rooted teeth.
Module 4: 3D Obturation Techniques of Single & Multi rooted Teeth Following 3D Instrumentation
The attendee at this program will:
• Review the criteria for obturation.
• Learn the 3D thermoplastic technique using the NEWEST Obturation device.
• Learn the state-of-the-art, bioactive obturation techniques and concepts that will be highlighted during the course.
• Obturate the root canal space in 3D with Bioceramics using the NEWEST synchronised cold hydraulic technique.
• Learn how to save their clinical time during obturation by using the NEW 3D obturation techniques.
Course topics
Unit 1: 3D Thermoplastic Obturation of the Root canal systems using the NEWEST Obturation Device. A Review of the criteria for obturation.
Unit 2: Hands-on training on Warm Vertical Obturation (Single and Multi-rooted teeth)
Unit 3: The NEW synchronised cold hydraulic obturation technique
Unit 4: Hands-on training on the NEW synchronised cold hydraulic obturation (Single and Multi-rooted teeth)
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 7 weeks
- Skill level Expert
- Language English
- Students 21
- Assessments Yes
- undergraduate degree in dentistry
- Hands-On Training: Participants will perform effective, hands-on exercises on extracted teeth and realistic simulated models of natural teeth. This establishes a foundation for predictable and safe endodontic treatment
- The participants will also receive personalised instruction during the hands-on sessions
- Participants are asked to bring 2-3 extracted teeth (either carious or cariesfree), with half of them accessed for endodontic treatment. Teeth to bring: 2 Premolars, 2upper molars, and two lower molars or any combination
- Continental snacks are included every day
- All teaching materials (Except extracted teeth) will be provided as part of the module's components.
Target audiences
- Dental Professionals